I have an old collection of cell phones in a wooden box, dating back to 2003. For some strange reason I don't let go of them. Sometimes I turn them back on and listed to the ringtones, look at the pictures inside of them. A digital type of nostalgia?. How could I let go of my first Sprint phone from 2005? I got it right after we moved in to our house, in the same week when hurricane Frances came. I took all kinds of pictures that now have no way of being removed. The ringtone for my wife has a song called "Boardwalk" that I had never heard prior, but the tune reminds me of her.
What about my 2008 cell phone? It was like a sleeker version of the 2005 one, but had advanced voice recording, and I especially downloaded Freecell so I could practice and beat my family at it.
The phones still turn on because they're off and conserve battery power. I'm not planning in giving them up. Not yet.